Thursday, December 29, 2005


Do we really have a purpose? It totally depends on who you ask. If you ask some people the answer is "to get people saved" (i do so hate this answer). If you ask others its to "have a relationship with Jesus" (yea... you definitely didn't get that one out of a book of cliches). Some people say its to love everyone (all you need is love... **lights lighter*). Some say to help change lives. (I would teach children to read, end world hunger, accomplish world peace and find new uses for tupperware!) Some, to be better so we don't come back as dust or something or get hit by massive amounts of bad karma (instant karma's gonna get you, gonna knock you right on the head. You better get yourself together, pretty soon you're gonna be dead).

So with all these answers floating around, what REALLY is our purpose in life?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like what cs lewis said it was... something like 'to love God and enjoy him forever'

11:22 AM  
Blogger Stephonovich said...

There is no singular purpose. Life is what you make of it. When it's gone, it's gone. Do with it what you will.

As for the typical Christian response, I turn to Nietzsche. Christianity is the ultimate statement of nihilism, something they claim to abhor. Think about it. This life has no purpose, no value; it's all for naught until heaven, when we can lord it over the heathens? "All our righteousnesses are like filthy rags"? (Isaiah 64:6) I think kind deeds performed on earth are going to have more meaning to someone than "Gee, I can't help you, but here's a tract. Jesus loves you."

"Set me free, your heaven's a lie. Set me free with your love..."

-Lacuna Coil, Heaven's A Lie

12:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lmao you're talking about Christian stuff and quoting a Lacuna Coil song

3:17 AM  

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