Tuesday, January 10, 2006

To whom it may concern...

I wish I could make you understand that I'm not stupid. I am a very bright person. My head is filled with all sorts of facts, laws, equations, and books. I can fix computers, write essays, memorize books, and solve problems. I have never made a grade lower than a B in any science. I always made A's in creative writing classes. Never lower than a B in a literature class. A in government and economics. I am a smart person. But the fact is, because I'm "different" (i.e., dyslexic and ADHD) some things come harder for me. When it comes to putting things down on paper, it doesn't matter how well I understand it, it always comes out wrong, backwards, upside down, interverted, flipped or simply askew. Math is the perfect example. I understand math. I can (and have) explained it to teachers. I have corrected teachers, and been right. I "get it." But as soon as I go to put it on paper, something is lost in translation. Same in foreign languages and the such. Ask me to TELL you anything, and I can do so, no problem. Ask me to write it down and it will look like I've been sleeping through all the classes. Unfortunately, intelligence is not measured according to what you actually know, but by how well you can put it down on paper (quizzes/tests/homework, etc). So I may be quite smart indeed, but because I learn and process information differently, I will always be "that dumb kid" who isn't living up to her potential.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you sound extremely intelligent and quite delightful. Don't listen to what other people say about you. It's only their point of view and not grounded in any kind of reality. No one can love anyone else if they can't love themselves.

1:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out this site....


This woman thinks that kids with ADHD are here to help heal the planet. I think she might be onto something.

6:57 AM  

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