Friday, February 03, 2006

Don't say "I love you" unless you mean it!

Good morning world! It's Friday! Today is going to be such a marvelous beautiful day! I had a super day yesterday that I'm still smiling from and there's only sunshine ahead of me! I love everyone and everything, and... just wow!

"What the fuck is your problem, Farrah? You're such a failure! You're never going to make it in the world!!! You need to get yourself together! You're such an idiot! Can't you do just ONE FUCKING THING RIGHT?! Just one simple thing?! You're going to get out in the world and never be able to hold down a job or a relationship or anything else of consequence! You don't even have relationships, now. Those people aren't your friends! Or they wouldn't be if they knew the REAL you! Damn it, Farrah! Why don't you just try caring about something sometimes! Maybe if you gave things a little effort, for once, you'd do something right! I said you're going to find the fucking paper! Did you look through these notebooks? Twice, eh? WHY THE FUCK DON'T YOU JUST APPLY YOURSELF AND LOOK HARD?! What is your problem! You're such a failure! You are a hopeless failure, damnit!... Oh, I'm sorry! I love you!"

Good morning world! It's Friday. Today is going to be absolutely horrible. I had a super day yesterday. All good things must come to an end though, I suppose. Today is that end. I can see nothing but tears ahead of me. I hate myself. Why can't I just be good enoug for someone, just once? Just... once.

Oh how one parent in 20 minutes can totally change a childs way of thinking. She's right, though, you know... in fact, why are you reading this? Why are you wasting your time? I'm just a "fucking failure whose friends would abandon her if they knew the REAL farrah..." Yeah... peace <3


Blogger Stephonovich said...

Wow. I'm so bringing cookies.

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people who have the brightest light in them have often (not always, but often) suffered the most. May you find in you the strength to endure. You are not who other people think you are. You are a bright, radiant, beautiful being of love and light. Don't you forget it!

1:12 PM  

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