Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Gods Smiles

It's early on Monday morning. Most people are still in bed or beginning to traill off to work and school. The sun has just broken over the cold mountains, kissing the dew still asleep on the grass blades and shattering them into ten million swirling prisms. Liquid diamonds. Fog is still hanging low over the lake like a blanket wrapped around the shoulders of the remains of night. Mist lingers among the blue mountains, invading every secret valley and hidden cove. I can see my breath in the air in front of me, but can't seem to hold it in my hands. The coffee is fresh and hot on my tongue. I love to come to the lake. Especially in the mornings. Ten minutes from home, it's convenient. Seventeen years old, I can come alone. Solitude. A rare yet beautiful thing. But, then again, most beautiful things are rare. Sad. The honking of a lone goose echos up the lake. It's getting late. The sun is almost out of the early clouds. I have to be back by 8:20. I don't want to go back. It's much to wonderful here. Long ripples dance across the lake. Where did they come from? Oh, I see. Two ducks playing in the shallows on the far shore. I can barley see them. The glass surface of the water is disturbed by a couple rowing a boat. How romantic. Sharing the first morning light. A few walkers are beginning to appear. This is a marvelous place to come and walk. A white dog licks my fingers. How cute he is. The man on the other end of the leash smiles and comments on the beautiful morning. Yes, it is just glorious. Well, it is time for me to put my things back into my pack and get on home. School waits for no man... er... girl. I have been here, writing... reading... photographing... existing... for nearly fourty-five minutes now.

Take the time today to see Gods Smiles scattered throughout your life. This sketch is a preservation of one that I found.


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