Thursday, April 14, 2005


Whats my problem? Trapped within my emotions, spinning in a blender. I wan't to cry. So badly. I need to cry. Can't. Gotta be strong. Someone hold me. Don't touch me! Tell me I'm gonna be alright. Stop lying to me! I want to be loved. I'm not loved. I'm so loved. Why am I so unlovable? I don't care! Alright, I care. Pay attention to me! Gosh! Stop trying to analyze me! I'm so lucky to have so many friends. No one likes me. I look sexy hott, like a super model. Lord I'm ugly. I'm doing well in school... makin' A's. STUPID learning disabilities! I'm so dumb and I hate it! HATE! I'm in love. Life is so beautiful. What a depressing crappy day. I want to fly. I want to die. Great at a lot of things. Failure at everything.

He says he loves me. What's in it for him?
She says she's my friend. I bet she talks bad about me.
He says I'm an awesome friend (as he sits on my lap, giving me a hug). He probably just feels sorry for me.
She says I rock. She lies. SHe thinks she's better than me.

Stupid hormones


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