Thursday, December 15, 2005


That's it! Stop telling me you love me! SHOW me that you love me! Words only go so far.

I just sounded so incredibly shallow...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

responding to all the recent posts.....

maybe your parents really are proud of you. maybe the hatred and anger they take out on you, calling you a failure, is really self-hatred. maybe they see how amazing you are (they'd have to be blind not to) and they see how messed-up they are and they take out their frustration on you. i don't know. but it sounds like they really need help. maybe you should encourage them to get counseling (though i dont know that they'd listen to you).

also, it seems to me (and this will sound trite probably, but i dont mean it to), you should listen to what your friends say and to what your heart is really saying, and know that you are an awesome, beautiful, and totally unique person... don't reward your parents' anger by believing them. believe in yourself. i believe in you... for what it's worth.

if you do believe in yourself... i think you will be strong enough to realize that it's your parents, and not you, who are screw-ups. and you will be strong enough to love them anyway, knowing that their opinion of you does not define you, and doesn't really matter. what matters is God's opinion of you... and He is proud of you, and He loves you, and His heart is breaking with every tear you cry.

now then. if all that is stupid and not what you needed to here, please shoot me. or tell me to shut up.

i will call you soon. (i love you)

7:03 PM  
Blogger Stephonovich said...

Shallow? Not at all. Actions speak louder than words. You sounded exactly like a friend of mine last year, though... she managed to work it (whatever "it" was) out with her boyfriend, though, so cheers.

12:19 AM  

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