Saturday, May 21, 2005

Friday, May 20 2005

My room is cluttered with notebooks and journals. I'm glad though, because I am forever misplacing my notebooks. Like now, for example. I am writing in this lovely composition book for I seem to have left my little green notebook-journal downstairs somewhere. Whenever someone finds a journal laying about, they automatically assume it ismine. That is actually probably a really accurate guess most of the time. I really need to get a laptop. Nothin' fancy, just a good word processor and a media player. It could live on my desk in my room. It would be really helpful when I want to write but am not sitting at my desktop. I write really slowly but type really fast. Dad says he might get me a laptop in support of my writing. That would rock somethin' wicked.

Kristen and Millie came over today and hung out for a few hours. Lol, we were all totally out of it. We just slouced on my couch and fed my dog chips. Despite us all being zombies I had a great time just chillin' with my girls. Kristen, if you are reading this, thanks so much for crashin' over here today. You have no idea how much that meant. I look foward to seein' ya Sunday.

I went to The Gathering at North Point tonight. Twas fun. I was thrilled to just get out of my house and drive myself somewhere. I really enjoyed myself, even though I always feel like an outsider... a reject... when I'm around them. Not a fun feeling. But I did get to see my dear Emily, which made it all worth while. We hang out together. I think she feels much the same way as I do. I mean, for crying out loud, we sat at a table alone during dinner. But, then again, we normally do. Anyhow, music was beyond amazing, as it always is. That is one of my favourite things about North Point. Music really speaks to me, and they play amazing songs, and play them very well. Man! Anyhow, there was a "guest speaker" tonight. Youth pastor from some other youth group. He spoke for a while and had some really good points, but he got me very lost and confused. Oh well, good evening.

Midnight was lovely tonight. More beautiful than normal. I was letting one of my dogs, Mindy, out for the night when I noticed my yard and patio were flooded... saturated with an eerie pale light. Barefooted and fearless, I waded bravely into the magical light. It rushed upon me, seizing me and holding me captive. The moon, not quite full, reflected on the Koi pond, the Japanese Maple casting strange shadows upon it. Long layerd clouds hugging the horizon glowed odd shades of purple. A few sleepy stars poked out from between the clouds. Take away my breath. I've never seen anything so marvelous. Standing there, captivated, like in a dream, I found myself wishing for the strangest thing... someone special to share the moment with. How silly


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