Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mothers Day Tribute

Mom - A tribute

I don't really know how to write a tribute
I've never done it before.
So I guess I'll do what I always do
When I create
And turn off my brain and just
Write from my heart

Mom, you are amazing
Beautiful and wonderful
Loving and caring
But anyone could say
Such lovely words
What make mine special?

There is meaning behind
Those words
A depth far beyond
That of a Hallmark card
A truth that has been inscribed
From a place of love

You are amazing
In your patience and grace
You are beautiful
In the way you love your Lord
You are wonderful
In the way you smile

You are loving
To your bratty, annoying kids
You are caring
In all the little things...
The way you hold Zoe like a baby
The way you tend to us when we're ill

Even when I may not act like it
(Or talk like it)
You are a huge part of my life
A part I would not want to do without
So today, on Mothers Day
I want to thank you

Thank you for being my teacher
Thank you for being a 'cool mom'
Thank you for tolerating all sorts of pets
Thank you for accepting my quirks
Thank you for loving my quirks
Thank you for going the extra mile

Thank you for never giving up on me
Thank you for always loving me
I love you, Mom
Beyond what you will ever know

Farrah L. May 2005


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