Wednesday, November 30, 2005

"wipe out!!!!!!"

For some reason I am expected to be morally perfect. Thus far I've lived up to these expectations exceptionally well. I feel like a trophy my parents show off to their friends.
"Look at this child! We've done such a good job raising her! I know she dresses differently than most kids... but hey! That's individuality! That's good! Yes... we are wonderful parents!"
Maybe I'm tired of it all. Maybe I'm tired of trying to be perfect... maybe I don't have a clue what I'm talking about, yet proceed to talk anyhow...


Blogger Stephonovich said...

I'm the perfect child as well. My parents don't really model me, though, persay. People just complement them on how "well mannered" I am, or some such. That's not a bad thing, though, I suppose.

Anyway, sorry I missed you. Had... a situation here. Shall discuss on the morrow.

12:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is on what we talked about last week, and what you posted about (satan, eden, etc.).

did God really create envy? i would say no. no more than he created wisdom, love, faith, compassion, etc. these qualities are his essence, but he did not create them, because he did not create himself. he just IS (something we cannot understand, since we are created and all we know is creation). God demonstrates good qualities, but according to logic, there are opposites... i guess according to logic... i havent really thought this out in depth. what i'm trying to say is, because of free will-which God has and gave to his creations-satan could choose whether to do good or evil. also, i think God kicked satan out not so much because he envied God (after all, paradise lost is fiction), but because he wanted to be ABOVE God. he wanted the worship and glory and honor... for heaven's sake, he asked Jesus to worship him if he gave the world to him.

why God let satan get into the garden is another story, but i think ive figured it out. *trumpets playing triumphantly* as soon as i have time, i'm going to write about it and post it on xanga. i think ive come to some conclusions about some of the big questions... suffering and all... some that christians dont normally seem to think of.

anyway... just kind of rambling, but i did want to respond... we should talk more about it sometime.

5:11 PM  

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