Friday, March 03, 2006

explain to me

the feeling inside.

Explain to me how his arms around me, his fingers touching mine, my head on his shoulder, his fingers on my face, his lips touching mine can make me feel so alive! Can make me feel like I can fly. Can take all my words away.

Explain to me how looking into his eyes can make me feel like I'm the only person in the world.

Explain to me how just hearing his voice, I can feel his arms around me.

Explain to me why my heart skips a beat at the mere mention of his name.

Explain to me why I'm not afraid to share my heart with him.

Explain to me how someone like me got so lucky as to be loved by someone like him.



Blogger Stephonovich said...

A proper explanation would be highly technical and involve the words "endorphins" and "hypothalamus", so I'll abstain.

I love you beyond words. Does that work?

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoorah! Yay for you guys. Love is the way. Explain why you can't see how mucky he is...

6:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How LUCKY he is!!!! Not mucky...

6:49 AM  

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