Saturday, May 28, 2005

Knights and Fair Maidens

So many beautiful stories of knights and fair maidens have been inscribed upon the hearts and memories of generations. Why does everyone love such stories? Stories of jousting and princesses, love and hate, betrayal and loyalty, rich and poor, desire and duty, good and evil, witches and faeries, and glass slippers and golden crowns. I propose that the reason we are drawn to such stories is because in some way or another, we all relate to them. I know that I love fairytales. Probably because I wish my life were more like one. The thing is, if I look closely at my life, there are so many similarities! We all live in a fairytale if we just have the imagination to see it. Yes, you have to look at your world a bit differently, but we all are in the midst of an epic story worthy of being handed down from generation to generation. I am looking forward to reading my book, for I do not know what part I play. I’m sure you think I’m a nut job now, but please hang with me. So often I am off to the rescue of someone, like a knight in shining armor. Occasionally I find myself in the midst of a great duel, fighting to the death over what I believe in. As for the aspect of love and of hate, I bear my share of both. So many wonderful people in my life, people whom I love more than my morning coffee. A few people who I wish would prick their finger on the magic spinning wheel and fall into a horrible, deep sleep. I am forever with an empty wallet, and at the same time, volunteering to help others. There is always the aspect of desire versus duty. This is the basis upon which most stories are founded. Someone, be it a prince or a princess or a poor stable boy, wants one thing for their life, but are bound to something else. Which to follow? Their heart or their duty? Should the beautiful princess run away from that which she is entitled to do and marry the love of her life who is not of royal blood, or should she marry the man she has been given to for the good of her kingdom? Oh, Romeo! So who am I? The brave knight off to save the world? The beggar in the streets? The court jester? The royal servant? The evil sorcerer? The kind and beloved ruler? The maiden trapped high in her tower waiting for her Prince Charming to rescue her? I don’t know. We’ll just have to see, won’t we?


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