Saturday, May 28, 2005

Never Forgotten

Some people come into our lives and leave with the same ease. Low impact and few memories. But some people enter our lives and shake the ground we stand on, help form who we become. Distance can be a cruel thing, separating one person from another. Promises to keep in touch are made, but are so easily broken. Both people get busy, trying to keep up with life, and the person we so treasured becomes just a name in an address book. I am guilty of this horrible crime; guilty of being to busy for those who mattered so much. To those who have, for so long been lost in time, this is for you.

Nathan, Kat, Zak, Lila, Jennifer, Mandy, Carlyn, Dave, Nate, John, Elizabeth, Ann, Anna, and I’m sure many, many others, I’m sorry for putting other things before you. You have made such a difference in who I am. You supported me when I ran for “class president,” laughed with me over jars of peanut butter, were there for me when I was crying (even when that meant leaving your date). We worshiped together while standing on our binders, wrote that bloody college paper together while everyone else was out swimming, and asked random (very cute) strangers for directions when we couldn’t find our dorm. Long conversations about love and life over hot coffee as you protected me from the mall freak linger in my memory. You are my hero. Horrible cafeteria food and stories about being orange colour-blind bring smiles to my face. We were Laughing (and nearly crying) as I dumped water out of my computer that rainy afternoon. I will always remember your doodles and drawings, your obsessive need to beat me to breakfast, your amazing smile (and annoying brother), comic book conversations, rafting, roses, wonderful Chick-fil-a stories, listing to you play your guitar and the tears shed upon saying goodbye. I love you! You will never be forgotten.


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