Saturday, March 11, 2006

let's talk about morality

according to, morality is,
"The quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct, a system of ideas of right and wrong conduct: religious morality; Christian morality, virtuous conduct, a rule or lesson in moral conduct."

ok... so... to be moral, you have to be in line with "standards of right or good conduct." What standard are we reffering to? Doesn't everyone have their own definition of "right?" Ok... so right now we're looking at the entire world of different morals. So... let's narrow it down. Lets take dress, namely for girls (because, for the most part, people don't have issues with the way guys dress. FOR THE MOST PART. I am aware that there are exceptions to that, but... just hust). This is one that hits home for me. Does everyone have the same standard of what is proper dress? Haha, hardly. Look at Indonesia. Muslim country. Chador's are the "moral" thing for women to wear. Anything less and wow... what a sin! Now, please look at America. Do you see anyone wearing chadors? Yeah... I didn't think so. Do we consider it immoral not to? Not at all. This could be blamed on religious differences. So... let's narrow down again. Lets just look at Christianity, since it's the religion i'm most qualified to speak about. Do all Christians dress the same? HA HA HA! Ok... I go to two different churches. The way people dress at church A is much more "modest" lets say. At church B, there is no dress code at all... mini skirts are worn, middrifts are shown, it really doesn't matter. No one thinks anything of it. Take someone from church A and put them in church B and they would have a heart attack! These people are so immoral!!! How could they dress like that?!?!?!?! and at CHURCH of all places!!! Yeah. So, religion in general obviously isn't the defining factor of morality. So, lets zoom in a little more. Pick one churh. Let's do church A. If you look at everyone in the church, you'll see some people who think completely covering yourself and dressing in a "traditional" manner (don't get me started on what "traditional" is...) is modesty wich, of course, equals morality. Then there are the people who feel more free in their dress, but still aren't wearing the mini skrits and middrifts, who feel that they also are being moral. So... who's right? The traditional folks think the more liberal dressers are horribly immoral! What on earth are they thinking, dressing like that? Shameful! So... you can't even define morality within one church. Surely within a group of friends you could define morality, right? Um... well... I shall use examples from my own life. There are the people who would never ever ever be caught in a skirt shorter than their knees! Or a shirt that's a bit low. Horror of horrors! Must be modest, you know. Then there are the people who think that a little skin here and there isn't immodest at all. So... who's right? Ok, ok... so, down at the smallest level, you MUST be able to find a definition of morality within a FAMILY, right? There's the mother who thinks the skirts should be below the knees, and the shirt should cover your waist... but if a bit of skin shows when you bend... eh... just try not to let it happen. The dad who thinks the shorter skirt is cute, but no middrift! The sister who thinks that shirt is way to short... you might be able to see middrift... but heck, it can be as tight as you want!

So, to conclude, stop trying to shove your morality down other peoples throats.


Blogger Stephonovich said...

You forget - morality is defined by God. GOD, man. You just can't beat that. Nevermind Paul, er, God's little bit about men having short hair, covering their heads, women not talking in church, no jewelery... yeah.

Different people interpet things differently, and then force their views on everyone else. 'Cause they're right.

But yeah... definitely a gender split. A lot of it stems from the fact that we (guys) don't really care about fashion much. Jeans/slacks and some type of shirt. Occasionally you'll find someone with pants hanging off their ass, or maybe an offensive T-shirt. But other than that, not much.

Chador and burqa. It's the only way to go.

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Let everyone wear what they want to wear and stop worrying about what other people do. Live and let live!

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nevermind studying scripture in context...

10:28 PM  

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