Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Random Rant

What is beauty... really? Our culture tells us that it is your figure, flawless skin, loft lips, almond-shaped eyes, a "perfec" nose, delicate feet, shaped legs, dainty hands and cover-photo hair. And, because this is what we're told, we accept it, no questions asked. Girls try to obtain the look described above and guys look for it. Who you are as a person no longer matters (or maybe never did in the first place). It's all physical. This is a very sad thing for those of us who believe in something beyond appearance. Personality, hunour, intellect, talent, spirit. These things are things which cannot be categorized as physical beauty. And, according to society, that which is not simply physical cannot be "beauty." This is quite a sad thing for those of us who are not beautiful according to the worlds standards. No one (no guy anyhow) will take notice of a girl because of her personality or wit. She will be the girl who will graduate high school without ever having had a boyfriend or hearing the words, "hey, I like you." But the ironic beauty in all of this is that someday she will find the guy who lives the way she makes him laugh, treasures her tears, and thinks that she is the most amazing person, not because of what she looks like, but because of who she is.


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