Tuesday, March 14, 2006

one is the lonliest number

If you don't express what you feel, you'll explode. So... here's how I've been feeling as of late (which, yes, has caused the totally bitchy behavior. Am so very sorry for that).

For reasons unknown to me, I've felt extremely alone lately. Not that "I'm bored, I wish I had someone to hang out with" alone, but that "I really don't have anyone in the world" alone. I know this is horribly false... in part. I have a handful of people who actually care about me. I've never been one who needs ten million friends. One or two or three is perfectly fine. But the problem with having only a few close friends is, when they leave you, you're alone. Totally alone. It's not a fun feeling to always be wondering if they're bored with you yet or if you've annoyed them so much that they're just going to drop you. It's happened to me many times. A "best friend" moving on to another better friend. Who needs farrah, anyhow, when you've got (insert name of new friend here). Yeah. So, I am always looking at myself, making sure I havn't screwed up another relationship. I'm most concerned with screwing my my "dating" relationship, currently. I've not had good luck in that area. I've had all of one other boyfriend, and, well... we see how that one ended. I've had a few "intrests" before, but all those fell apart, too. So... honestly... i'm scared. I'm scared to death of losing him. (there's a moment of complete honesty. I don't voice fears often. I hate being afriad. I should be better than that...) He means more to me than anyone. Cliche, I know, but it's true. And... and... yeah. I love you so much.

I might not be so freakishly concerned about other relationships if I had something resembling a relationship at home. Here is the news as of today.
My face is really broken out right now. It's horrible. I'm really self-concious about it. I come downstairs and mother and my grandfathr greet me with "Hahahahaha! look at farrah's face!" ... thank you. That kind of put me in a negative frame of mind. Now, dad is still extremely angry about me dropping German. I did the right thing. He doesn't care. Still angry. So he talks to mum on the phone for an hour this morning. She informs him (get this) that I didn't tell him about dropping the class because I don't feel safe telling him things and that I'm afraid of him and that he and I don't have a real relationship. ... !!!!!!!!! DON'T SAY THAT!!!!! Oh yeah, it's all true, but you just don't tell dad things like that! When he gets home tonight, he'll yell at me, maybe hit me... we'll see. If he does, I'm just going to leave. I don't know where I'll go, where I'll stay... but I'll go.

So I suppose that's it. That's my rant for today. That's all I have to complain about right now. I really shouldn't complain so much. But, this is my blog and no one has any obligation to read it, so... yeah. So I'm going to go walk by the lake and try to purge myself of these stupid emotions.



Blogger Stephonovich said...

You are... special, beautiful, unique, amazing, and above all, not a failure.

I'm not going anywhere. Of all the things to be afraid of, don't be afraid of that.

I love you.

12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Farrah is so ugly

3:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love my amazing friends!
They mean everything to me ^_^
I love him!
I love God!

You're gay

3:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I am myself."

hahaha Farrah's a loser.

7:11 AM  
Blogger that girl said...

dear anonymous,
where did you find a quote of me saying "i love god"? Please let me know so I can trash it. I guarantee that it has not ben said anytime recently. As for the rest of your comments... yeah, you're right, but was there some reason you came here, other than to put me down, that is?

9:19 AM  
Blogger Stephonovich said...

Anonymous has no life. 0314, 0319, and then 0711. That's worse than me.

Also, he/she/it (or she/he/it - either way, it's funny to say quickly; just more subtle the first way) is a fucking pansy. Slashdot says it best of posters who won't reveal anything about themselves: "Anonymous Cowards".

And finally...

Farrah is so ugly

Says you. You're probably fat.

You're gay

If this is true, we need to talk.

hahaha Farrah's a loser.

In that case I proudly join the ranks of loser-dom.

9:25 AM  
Blogger that girl said...

hehe Stephan, I love you

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nigga please
Stop trying to seem badass and say that you don't love God/are no longer religious.

While you're at it, stop trying to seem like you're a hippie because of "hemp".

No, there is no other reason I came here other then to put you down, and yes, I left those comments in the wee hours of the morning.

P.S. I'd rather be fat than be skinny and have a face like a horse.

11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nigga please -_-

4:36 AM  
Blogger that girl said...


I am not trying to seem like a badass. In fact, that is the last impression in the world that I want to give. I do hope that I don't really give off that air. Also, I do not *try* to seem like a hippie. I am just me, and that's just happens to be the box people put me in. I am, however, quite fond of hemp, simply because i can make things out of it and love the way it looks. It is not an intentional association with hippie-ness

8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice try at sounding all smart.

You're not a hippie and you're not just "you".

You're a loser.

10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About Me
I'm a hippie. I'm a musician, artist, writer, lover, friend and mystery

Not to mention FUGLY...

10:22 AM  
Blogger Stephonovich said...

You know, anonymously leaving hateful comments has to be one of the most cowardly ways possible to boost your self esteem. That's what this is all about, of course. Trolling serves one purpose (well, two): to build yourself up. The second is in the case of a trolling group/society, in which case you can gain some strange form of respect from your fellow dipshits.

Honestly. "...you're not just you"? If not yourself, what else is there to be?

On religion, why is being non-Christian (since you capitalized god, I'm going to say you're referring to the Judeo-Christian god - typical. None of the other world religions matter, apparently) badass? Are the ~4,000,000,000 people worldwide who are not Christians badasses? I suppose it could be argued for Islam, though. At least they're sacrificing themselves for what they believe in. Or how about the Shaolin monks? Those guys can kill more ways than you can count. Badass? Yeah, I'd say so.

I would say you're starting to piss me off, I'm going to kill you, etc. etc., but we both know that's what you want. Could ignore you, but it's ultimately more enjoyable to systematically destroy your pathetic arguments.

As to comments about Farrah's looks, first, a couple questions. How the hell would you know? An inverted profile shot isn't all that much to go on. I suppose you could invert it again to get the original color, but still... not so much. So either you know her, which is really creepy and insanely cruel, or you've discovered other pictures somewhere, which is also really creepy.

But in any case, doesn't really bother me much. The way I see it, that's one less competitor. Unless you're a female. Then you're just being an asshole.

4:20 PM  
Blogger that girl said...


i love you

7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guess what i found you ! hehehe

8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah whoever that is can kiss my ass. stupid coward

8:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can whoever is leaving bitchy comments please go and get a life because it is not helpful or nice. If you are insecure or whatever, deal with it. Don't be a nasty cow please. There is enough nastiness in the world with you adding to it. Beth

3:35 PM  

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